Pink in the Garden

 Growing in the Driveway Garden.
Crab Apple Blossom

The yellows of the spring daffodil displays in my garden are warm and beautiful (even if the spring weather isn't). But in mid-spring a new colour transforms the garden borders. The colour pink has arrived!

Pink Blossom

The first deep pink blossom starts to appear in the driveway. There are two contributors, one a large flowering Cherry tree (Prunus), the other a small refined Crab Apple.

I usually feel rather 'yellowed-out' by now. The daffodils have been dominant, and I've taken a thousand photographs of cream-yellow, apricot-yellow, terracotta-yellow...

Crab Apple Trees

I always forget how beautiful this new pink blossom colour is. I'm spoilt for early spring blossom, but it's pale and whitish. I instantly resolve to purchase and plant more Crab Apple trees. And I have the perfect spot over the water race for a really bright pink Japanese Flowering Cherry - the colour I've rudely called 'felt-pen pink' in less enlightened moments...

 This is a very large tree.
Rose Pink Blossom

Suddenly there are pink things everywhere. Every gardening day I am on a pink mission - I decide I love this colour! The first of my large rhododendrons starts generously flowering, and I have huge heads of pink flowers for the house - absolutely beautiful! The pink Camellias, too, are in full flower.

By now I am feeling rather sheepish - none of my annual seedlings are pink, and overnight this has become my most favourite colour! I must buy some more pink roses! I am inspired - perhaps I could even buy a baby-pink apres-gardening shirt... maybe not...

Pink Rhododendron

I think that's the wonderful thing about colour in the garden - it's impossible to have a favourite for more than two weeks! For now I'm enjoying the Moosey Festival of Pink.