Moosey News : May 2010

Dear Subscriber,

It's so close to the middle of the year. Here in the Moosey garden that means mid-winter, but I'm good and ready for the challenge of winter gardening. Brr...

This month's features :

  1. Roses - Just Plain Old-Fashioned?
  2. Garden 'Shed with a Bed'
  3. Nursery Gift Vouchers
  4. Pink Grootendoorst Rugosa Rose
  5. The Autumn Bonfire

Regulars :

  1. Plant of the Month : Yellow Chrysanthemums
  2. Animals of the Month : Lady Kaya the Black Beauty Cat
  3. Garden Quote : One New Plan
  4. Garden Gallery : Aloe Polyphylla
  5. Forum Focus : Beautiful Photographs
  6. Gardening Advice : GK Chesterton
  7. Searching for Moosey : rustic garden bench
  8. Coming up this month : A summer holiday in the middle of winter. Yippee!

This month's features

1. Roses - Just Plain Old-Fashioned?

This is another of those articles by a bewildered gardener (me) who thought she knew everything...

2. Garden 'Shed with a Bed'

May was the month when the new kitset garden shed was supposed to arrive. The publicity claims one does not have to be a builder to erect the thing. Hmm... We'll see - in June...

3. Nursery Gift Vouchers

Oh dear. I'm all in a dither not knowing what to spend my latest nursery gift voucher on...

4. Pink Grootendoorst Rugosa Rose

Roses seem to be compulsory in the Moosey newsletter. This month the rose I've chosen is a tough, frilly pink rugosa.

5. The Autumn Bonfire

Many gardeners have to burn their dry garden rubbish in autumn, or fall. But few could write a whole page of interesting blither on this basic, boring task - and provide time in motion photographs. Hmm...


6. Plant of the Month : Yellow Chrysanthemums

Cheerful, sunny yellow flowers make me feel cheerful and sunny at any time of year.

7. Animals of the Month : Lady Kaya the Black Beauty Cat

Meet Kaya, our latest Moosey cat - she's a sleek black beauty.

8. Garden Quote : One New Plan.

The journal talks of five wet non-gardening days at the end of May. But where there is one new gardening plan there is hope...

9. Garden Gallery : Aloe polyphylla

I'm choosing an older photograph to feature in this month's newsletter - an Aloe polyphylla. Unfortunately it grows in a pot on a gardening friend's verandah - I'm so envious!

10. Forum Focus : All Those Beautiful Photographs...

I love peeping at other gardener's treasures. Hopefully the forum's way of uploading of pictures isn't putting too many people off!

11. Gardening Advice : GK Chesterton

Here's the perfect advice for the mature, creative realist who really loves doing things, and needs to keep trying to do things... Relax - the word 'success' isn't even mentioned!

12. Searching for Moosey : rustic garden bench

rustic garden bench
Hee hee... Yet another rustic garden bench joins the Moosey Garden. This one is the wobbliest one yet.

13. Coming up this month : A summer holiday in the middle of winter. Yippee!

The Head Gardener and Non-Gardening Partner are heading to the northern hemisphere. Wonder who'll get homesick first, miss the cats and Rusty the dog, and want to return to the wintry Moosey garden?
