Oops times 5

Cannas by the Pond
I've just been outside with spade and diggers to shift some Pittosporums and plant the large leafed Bergenias in the Pond Paddock Garden. Have been meaning to do this for ages. This was to be the triumphant tying up of a gardening loose end, so to speak. I love the foliage plants in the Pond Paddock.
The digging was very difficult, so I had my little irrigation hose on, to help soften the dirt. I swung that spade with fierce gusto - clunk, clunk it went into the hard-baked earth. Gurgle, gurgle - there was a bubbling gush of water, an expanding puddle. I'd sliced into one of the heavy plastic irrigation pipes. Oh no!
I've come in, cleaned the mud off, and am going to watch the big boats flying on the TV. A cup of tea, I think, to help the feelings of guilt and silliness. Non-Gardening Partner is away on a flying day, and I will have to grovel when he gets home. I didn't know the pipe was there. I should have known the pipe was there? Probably.
Next Day...
Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. And one more oops. Guess how many cuts, obviously made by a gardening spade, were in a two meter length of the irrigation pipe? FIVE! Someone (me) has been trying for a while to plant things in here. Having trouble, and thinking she was hitting tree roots, she has moved her spade to a new location. And hit the pipe again. And again...

Fixing the Irrigation
But my Gardening Hero (Non-Gardening Partner) has fixed it, and I can get back planting my Bergenias. Five cuts - oh dear.
Monday 15th February
Blast. New Zealand has gone up a Covid Alert Level - a wee outbreak of community transmission again, up north in Auckland. Because of my mature years I take this seriously and semi-lockdown myself. No excuses - it means that I can do amazing amounts of piano practice and gardening. And so far today?

Where is the Irrigation Pipe?
No leaks!
Well, I've walked the dogs (and the Fred cats) a couple of times. We've seen some wonderful dahlias flowering. I've put the hoses on (no leaks from the new pipe, phew), and I've done a bit of music writing. Time to make a cup of coffee and hit the piano, so to speak.
I've planted the Bergenias, and covered up the (new) irrigation pipe. Have placed a painted edge stone to mark THE spot. I've also collected one barrowful of weeds from the garden by the pergola. Alas, what it really needs is a complete digging up and replanting. Later in the year, maybe.
I've potted up some baby Gunnera seedlings, some Scrophularia divisions, and rescued the rose Claude Monet. He didn't flower at all this year. A most beautiful rose, though in my garden he just isn't very robust. Have already lost an older shrub of him - who knows where?
It's early to go apres-gardening, but am feeling just a little saddened by the Covid announcement. Silly, but understandable. But hey! Irrigation pipe fixed, piano (if not the pianist) playing beautifully after being reconditioned, a lovely garden, dahlias covered in bees, dogs and cats who love to go for walks... Am blessed.