A cycling man-holiday...
Hee hee. Going on a cycling man-holiday (via a library book) is terribly exciting! Early this morning (in bed in Pond Cottage) I cycled through Japan. This evening I'll be off to China. And in between I can just pop outside and do lots of good gardening.
Wednesday 11th January
Now let me see - what do I feel like doing today? How emphatic do I feel? In other words, do I deal to the unruly archway roses or do I potter about planting little things like daffodil bulbs? Hmm...

Cats, Kitten, Gnomes
Little Mac has gone up yet another size. He is a two-speed kitten - scampering flat-out, or asleep. He (she?) is now the proper age for a kitten to join its human family, so proper kitten life is just beginning. He comes further outside, and has worked out how to zoom around the house, out one door and in another. His favourite food is freshly minced beef.
Unlike my garden, my cycling book is a dud. This author cycles through Cambodia and Vietnam in one sentence. One sentence! Imagine if my gardening report for the day could be so concise. Oh no, not my journal...
Archway Roses :
- The rose on this thumbnail is Chevy Chase - a most suitable archway rose.
It's been a super-hot day, but I managed an hour of bossy gardening in the orchard (those archway roses). Then I worked in the water race in the shade - scooping stones off the bottom and lightly weeding the banks. I also cleared the weedy debris caught around the river pump hoses. I love the river pumps - well, I guess it's more that I love what they do. Running water is like magic.
Thursday 12th January
Aargh! I'm back from swimming and have about ten things I want to do at once. They range from putting cat photographs in frames (nice) to vacuuming the downstairs (not nice), with a bit of gardening in the middle. The big excitement for today is as follows: one of the little wooden bridges is ready to be placed in position. But Non-Gardening Partner (the bridge-builder, my hero) is lolling in a most unheroic pose on the couch with the newspaper.

Bridge on the Move
Much Later...
After a glass of Larry's naturally fermented wine I probably shouldn't be writing in this garden journal. Please ignore anything gushy, maudlin, or sentimental. This afternoon I accomplished much. The trailer is now full(ish) of pine tree mess cleared out from The Hump, Rusty's Lavender Garden is finished and planted, and, best of all, the first little bridge is in position. I've planted some miniature Agapanthus alongside in an edge gap, and trimmed the Phormiums to stop bridge users (me) being tripped up.
It's a gorgeous little bridge and I can easily wheel the wheelbarrow over it (a most exciting moment). I love the new little bridge - oh, I've sort of said that already. Right. I think it's time to go to bed. Alcohol + Moosey = Sleep.
Friday 13th January
Last night the big irrigation went on, watering the house gardens. Then it rained fairly decently. This morning I've been playing Bach trio sonatas with my flautist and violinist. Now I'm about to hit the garden - I might take Little Mac the kitten with me. There are so many nice things to do. No wonder I don't ever do much housework.

Sunny Species Daylilies
I had fun doing careful slow-motion kitten-gardening for an hour, clearing up the Frisbee Garden. I snipped off Prunus tree suckers, dead-headed roses and daylilies, and trimmed Aquilegias.
+10The Berberis is getting too big, and it's so scratchy and prickly to work by. Little Mac had a great time leaping around in the long grass, while big Father Fluff-Fluff, who has appointed himself Kitten Protector, lolled nearby. He always does that.

New Wooden Bridge
Then I did a bit of planting by the new wooden bridge, and cleared the main path through the Wattle Woods. Non-Gardening Partner has now finished the second bridge, so tomorrow morning it will go into position further up the little stream. Wow! These bridges are so groovy.

The Upper Wattle Woods Bridge
The gardening atmosphere has been a little tense, with big winds whining and whooshing aggressively the whole time. The garden feels restless and noisy, and the lawn is covered with chunks of bark from the Eucalyptus trees.
Not that I'm complaining. Actually, I think I might be, just a little - sorry about that.
Saturday 14th January
It's the second day in a row of big gusty winds, a bit unpleasant to be outside (mainly because of the extreme noise, and the risk of falling branches). But the second little Wattle Woods bridge is now in position, and just like magic it looks as if it's always been there. I'd like to compliment the builder (NGP) and the garden designer (me) who were both definitely on the same gardening page.
A Woodland Seat?
Now I need to think about the fence-line that the path and bridge lead the eye (and therefore the eye's owner) to. Perhaps I need a woodland seat in here, on the edge of the Wattle Woods? Oooo... Now that's an idea.
I decided not to let the wind drive me inside. I did another couple of hour's work weeding and picking up gum bark. The vegetable garden is not in good shape, but at least I've made a start. Now I've gone very nicely apres-gardening - clean hair, hand cream, teeth brushed, clean white cotton shirt, cold beer - the works. The cricket is on the TV, NGP has gone to get fish'n'chips, and Little Mac is busy playing with his new cat toy (a silver catnip ball with a bell on it). It's a brilliant end to a brilliant day.