Flittering like a Fantail...

I've spent the whole day flittering from thought to thought like a squeaking fantail in the Pittosporums. so many beautiful and sentimental distractions, all thoroughly enjoyable - and a great day for photographs, too...
Aargh! Poised, mid-thought, I've raced outside to take the first drizzly morning photographs. The house gardens look gorgeous - colourful, a bit messy, yet thoughtful - with a trace of the subtle? Or am I imagining things? Anyway, I don't want to miss the deep pink Camellia, and already its flowers are dropping onto the row of little Agapanthus plants beneath. You beautiful, beautiful Camellia...
Aargh again! I've just remembered to check the Camellias behind the garage. yes, they are beautifully flowering. As is the red Roger Hall, planted in memory of Sifter the cat, in a pot on the patio. Get the camera again...

Deep Pink Camellia
I've already been over to the glasshouse to wish my seeds good morning, thus inspiring them to do a goodly bit of growing today. Dear seeds! I am so proud of you all! Well done, you good things! I seem to be in an enthusiastic, booming mood. Just as well I spend the day on my own, just with the cats and the dog...
+5My cats understand me, though. In the mornings, when I say 'let's go' to my dog (often camped out in the kitchen), within a minute big Fluff-Fluff and Little Mac are ready at the door to come outside and become gardening cats. Rusty the dog, on the other hand, is wistfully gazing up at the kitchen table, in case a single breakfast cornflake has been left behind.
I've been trying to burn the bonfire rubbish, continually (and nicely) distracted by the beautiful things around me. Off to get another load I brush past Middle Garden's big pink Rhododendron. You are so beautiful, darling shrub!
Smmocher the Cat :
- Would you like to meet Smoocher the ginger cat?
Then I wander out to Smoocher's cherry tree blossom in the orchard to say 'hello'. Smoocher was a fine young cat, and I never really got to know him properly...
I start wondering about Cats' Memorial Row (which also contains Stu the pet lamb) - should I build little rustic wooden plaques with the names of the dearly departed on? Too sentimental? Anything wrong with too sentimental? Guess not...

Flowering Cherry Tree for Smoocher the Cat
Further distraction - I leave the bonfire gurgling and peer at the side of my vegetable garden, visualising where the brick herb spiral will go, and how the other raised beds will integrate with it. I suppose the start of the spiral should be visible from this, the entry point. And then I have to rush inside and write all this down, because I am inspired, and I want to tell someone...

Fantail in the Sun
And then there's the website, in which I've been renaming every single journal page (I think there are thousands, going right back to 1997). The new titles look much more modern, and interesting (well, they do to me).
Gardening Life...
So, without meaning to, I've been re-reading the story of my gardening life, with its ups and downs. I see a thumbnail of my dear white cat B-Puss, and go all sad and sentimental again.
This leads me to thinking about the circle of gardening life. Or is it a spiral? Eek! The new herb spiral! If I'm building a herb spiral I will need lots of herb plants. I'd better pot up some pieces of the Golden Marjoram and the Thymes I've got growing - somewhere - where, exactly?
You see what I mean by flittering?