In a huge hurry...
I am typing this in a huge hurry, before I start my big gardening day - but no-one can really tell that, can they? Nobody's fingers 'scribble' when they type. A gardener's 'brainwriting' can be really scribbly, though - illegible, even...

Charlotte Crab-Apple is Blossoming
Sunday 7th November
Hee hee. Yesterday evening I took my evening coffee out onto the garden table on the pond decking. No-one human (i.e. Non-Gardening Partner, everyone else is furry) would come with me, so I took my paper journal, my pen, and my camera. Oh dear.

Pond Cottage
Pond Reflections
I have a series of Early Evening Reflections by the Pond photographs, and a paragraph of 'gush'. This is followed by a list of lists. Each item is shouting at me with an excess of exclamation marks. I blame myself - who else?
Gush From Yesterday...
'I'm sitting on the decking, with the late sun making dramatic tree reflections in the still, clear pond water. I'm talking to Percy the ginger cat, who is sitting nonchalantly on the table. The Pond Paddock gardens look gorgeous - big pink rhododendrons float in a sea of restful greenery, red rugosa rose flowers exchange banter with cheeky pondside red-hatted garden gnomes...'
And here is the first list. Sorry about all the shouting.
Things To Do Tomorrow!!!!!
- Stake the peonies!!!!!
- Pull Honesty out of Shrubbery, lay mulch in its place.
- Spray archway roses. Madame Caroline Testout has rust!!!!!!
- Glass-House seedlings - prick out Cosmos etc. Do it!!!!!
And here is the second list - it's a bit quieter...
Things To Peep At Tomorrow
- Lupins - flowering has started. See what colours they are.
- Irises - humph. Check out new midnight blue ones.
- Pale blue spready iris - and find out name. Please, please, please have written it down!
- Say hello to Crown Princess Margareta in the orchard and take photographs.
- The Ceanothus. Might as well saw off the dead bit.
Hmm... That's definitely a quieter list...
Crown Princess Margareta :
- You can meet this beautiful apricot rose in my roses section.
By the way, the Crown Princess is a David Austin rose, a climber on one of the archways. The third list involves web pages to work on, and they will speak for themselves, won't they!
I do have some web-questions to ponder, though. For example, is it sensible to combine different Green Goddesses on one page? One is a fat leafed Cordyline, the other a waterside lily - possibly a Calla? Some gentle research (and thought) is needed here.

Green Goddess Lily
Now back to today, and live early morning action from the Moosey Gardener. I'm off to start my work.

Euphorbias and Aquilegias
Much, Much Later...
I have done everything except stake the peonies. I also found two rose climbers Etoile de Holland looking a bit unwell. Have then been caught up in spray drift? Non-Gardening Partner says absolutely not. As in general life, it's all too easy to blame someone else...
Right. I need to pack away all the hoses. NGP is about to mow all the lawns, and my job is to shift garden seats and get all other obstacles out of his lawn-mower's way. Pond Cottage has come on a treat today. It's turned into a cosy little cottage with its insulation and its plywood interior walls (which I'll probably varnish).
I've enjoyed my big, brilliant day, by the way. Splendid. I'm taking my evening meal out to the garden table, but this time - no pen and paper!
Monday 8th November
I am off for a day hike in the mountains. Yippee. Stu the lamb is old enough not to need a lamb-sitter, and my garden (and dog) can jolly well do without me for one day.