I write, I pat some cats, I garden, I pat the dog, I eat, drink a cup of hot tea, sleep... I write, I pat some cats, I garden... My September spring life is quite uncomplicated - and for that I am truly thankful.
Saturday 20th September
Wow. Six hours of good gardening - I am a legend. I've shifted all sorts of odd shrubs into the new Driveway Garden - a Viburnum, two rhododendrons (Loderi cream and an unknown pinky-red), two Cream Delight flaxes, and two maples (one shifted, one purchased new). Other new plants include Hebes, a flowering Kowhai (tree, eventually), an Eriostemon (a cute Australian), and a little red Azalea with the name 'firebird'. I've left lots of space, because the two rhododendrons should grow between 1.5 and 2 meters high. I left three Lemonwood Pittosporums in place for all-year-round foliage interest.

The New Driveway Garden is Planted
After lunch I shifted focus to my new path around the pond. I axed out tree-roots to make the surface level, and used up all my stones on the little retaining wall. 'Framing' part of the pond with the stone wall makes its shape really stand out. In fact, it gives a thoroughly nurtured look. Nice.

Fragrant Daffodils
Flower Colour
Now I'm off to the Moosey Office to 'build' some more rose calendars. I love all the spring flowers, but summer has such amazing flower colour, and it's a great excuse to peep through my old photographs. Hmm... there are some thousands, so I will be kept busy. I love the rose season in my garden - there's always something to look forward to!
Sunday 21st September
Good morning to purring Stumpy the grey, a cat on thyroid pills who has rejoined the cat-race. I'm so glad you are better! We'll make a good gardening cat out of you yet (hmm... Stumpy is nearly eighteen years old...) OK. Cats all change. Stumpy has jumped off my lap and big cuddly Percy has immediately taken her place. Ginger cats are so smoochy!
This morning I am helping Non-Gardening Partner with the shredding, the results of which are going straight onto the new Driveway Garden. Oh the shame - late yesterday HE started the shredder up but ME was too tired. Foolish woman - one should always strike while the Non-Gardening Partner's Shredder is hot...
Pond Vocabulary...
Interesting - NGP wandered around the new pond path late yesterday, and liked it. But I now know that my pond has a dam (which I thought was just a humpy bit) and an overflow (which I thought was just a scoopy bit). It shows the non-engineering mind, methinks.

Working on the Pond
Much Later...
One large tree makes the smallest pile of shreddings. I'm so pleased that it's done, though. I trudged up and down the driveway past the Saffron rhododendron in flower, carrying branches. What a beautiful shrub, planted (shifted, actually, last autumn) in such a lovely position, thus bringing delight to all who wander (or trudge) past...

Rhododendron Saffron Queen
Now I know it's not tomorrow yet, but I have a serious need of river stones so I can finish my pond path. This must be my first priority. And my second priority must be weeding. Little ferny-bottomed weeds are popping up everywhere, sending up the cutest little stalks with the tiniest white flowers... Aargh! What rhymes with weeds? Seeds!