2011 Moosey Calendars
I had even more fun making a set of 2011 calendars for Christmas presents : roses, flowers, garden scenes, the cats and the dog. And big Fluff-Fluff the cat even had his own calendar. I only used photographs from my own garden - the freshest and the best for the flowers and roses. No weeds allowed!
Choosing the garden scenes for the main calendar was lots of fun. It was more a case of what to leave out! Of course there had to be roses, other flowers, gnomes, and some New Zealand Phormiums.

2011 Moosey Garden Calendar
Free Download
2011 Moosey Garden Calendar - Front Cover (PDF 3 MB)
2011 Moosey Garden Calendar - January - June (PDF 11 MB)
2011 Moosey Garden Calendar - July - December (PDF 12 MB)
2011 Moosey Garden Calendar - Back Cover (PDF 4 MB)
Some years ago I made my first calendar of flower pictures for a friend. I kept it sweet and simple with calendulas, poppies, violas and pansies that I'd grown from seed. Then in 2011 I introduced some stylish peonies, dahlias, and chrysanthemums. Ha! Daisy shaped flowers will always withstand the test of time. The files were a bit big for that time, but this was a top quality calendar, created by a Head Gardener who'd never heard of the word 'modest'. And she took all the photographs...

2011 Moosey Flowers Calendar
Free Download
2011 Moosey Flowers Calendar - January to June (PDF 7 MB)
2011 Moosey Flowers Calendar - July to September (PDF 7 MB)
2011 Moosey Flowers Calendar - Back Cover (PDF 11 MB)
2011 Moosey Flowers Calendar - Front Cover (PDF 1 MB)
The Moosey Garden is full of roses, and it's easy to produce a calendar with my favourite rose photographs. No names, though - this is not a well-labelled garden, and like me you have to guess! I adore roses, but I like to grow them willy-nilly, in the middle of other plants. Sometimes they'll be with perennials, or foliage plants like Phormiums and Hebes. Many of my trees (poor things) have roses climbing up them, and there are a number of archways which are similarly adorned. I grow a lot of David Austin beauties, as well as some genuine old roses like Mutabilis. Pink roses, too - I love pink roses.

2011 Moosey Roses Calendar
Free Download
2011 Moosey Roses Calendar - January to June (PDF 13 MB)
2011 Moosey Roses Calendar - July to September (PDF 7 MB)
2011 Moosey Roses Calendar - Back Cover (PDF 19 MB)
2011 Moosey Roses Calendar - Front Cover (PDF 1 MB)
The Moosey Garden is home to various cats and a dog, and naturally they are much loved and much photographed. My 2011 Cats and Dog Calendar featured the cats living the good cat life in the Moosey Garden. Rusty the dog had a small cameo. If you wanted to spend the year 2011 in the company of ginger Percy, Histeria the tabby, Lilli-Puss the grey, beautiful black beauty Kaya, big Fluff-Fluff, Tiger the senior cat, and young Minimus, then this was definitely the calendar for you! Rusty, the only dog, was included as an honorary cat, sharing the title of Mister October with my two ginger gardening cats Percy and Fluff-Fluff. Rusty is used to sharing his house and garden with cats, anyway.

2011 Moosey Cats and Dog Calendar
Free Download
2011 Moosey Cats and Dog Calendar - January to June (PDF 13 MB)
2011 Moosey Cats and Dog Calendar - July to September (PDF 10 MB)
2011 Moosey Cats and Dog Calendar - Back Cover (PDF 23 MB)
2011 Moosey Cats and Dog Calendar - Front Cover (PDF 1 MB)
Fluff-Fluff my pale ginger fluffy cat is a much photographed gardening cat. He poses thoughtfully on garden seats, balances on fence posts, and flops casually in front of garden borders. Click - the purrfect model for his own 2011 cat calendar. Initially I created this for a good gardening friend who is one of his greatest fans. But then - a thought! Perhaps someone else might appreciate the calmness and focus of a calendar featuring just one cat, twelve different images, plus a gorgeous cover shot taken in the Mexican daisies...

2001 Fluff-Fluff's Cat Calendar
Free Download
2011 Fluff-Fluff Calendar - January to June (PDF 16 MB)
2011 Fluff-Fluff Calendar - July to September (PDF 15 MB)
2011 Fluff-Fluff Calendar - Back Cover (PDF 16 MB)
2011 Fluff-Fluff Calendar - Front Cover (PDF 1 MB)
Last but not least, Rusty the dog had his own calendar. This was my special present to Non-Gardening Partner, Rusty's best friend in the whole world. Each year I make him a new dog calendar.

2011 Moosey Dog Calendar
Free Download
2011 Dog Calendar - January to June (PDF 16 MB)
2011 Dog Calendar - July to September (PDF 15 MB)
2011 Dog Calendar - Back Cover (PDF 16 MB)
2011 Dog Calendar - Front Cover (PDF 1 MB)
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