Cats Walking the Plank
The Plank marks the boundary between the Dog-Path Garden on the left and the Stumpy Garden on the right. The Head Gardener has fallen off it, and Rusty fell off when he was a puppy. But cats who walk the Plank always get to the other side...

Jerome on the Plank
This cat is the faithful Jerome, who used to follow the gardener to the ends of the earth (i.e. the property) and back. Now she's quietly at rest in Cat's memorial Row underneath a weeping Silver Pear tree.

Percy on the Plank
Percy the ginger cat was another of my gardening cat recruits, though he would always get bored after an hour or so. The Plank held no fears for him.

Histeria the Tabby
Here is Histeria the tabby, sitting on the Plank. She's never been an active gardening cat, but loves to check out what's going on out there. Histeria (Hissy for short) is Percy's sister.
From the Archives...
Below is an archive photograph of Jerome the cat following a gum-booted gardener (me, younger) over the Plank on the walking circuit. At this time no other cats would follow me - Stumpy would stay behind, Sifter was too slow, and Mugsy... well, lets just say that Mugsy and the water race never mixed.

jerome and the gardener
This photograph was taken well before the waterside was dug and planted. An heirloom cat, gardener, and garden!