Most Valuable Pet Competition
- rusty
Most Valuable Pet December 2024 - Rusty the red Border Collie is the new dog on the country block. Forget the word red - think beige when dry, orange when wet. A big bouncing ball of puppy-fluff, he loves to chase flying things (including planes). Sadly he still pees like a girl - no old dog to show him the right dog-way!
All Moosey animals, past and present, are entered into the Most Valuable Pet competition where each month they earn points in 5 categories. You can vote for your favourite pet once per day using the form below. Tweeting about a pet @mooseysgarden or mentioning a pet on facebook or on your blog will also earn that pet MVP points.
MVP points
- Votes : Everyone gets to vote once per day for their Most Valuable Pet.
- Page : Each time a pet is mentioned by name on Moosey's Country Garden they earn 1 MVP point.
- Bonus : Bonus MVP points are awarded by the head gardener is able to award pets bonus MVP points for garden company etc. +5 You'll see small icons in garden journal entries when bonus points are awarded, e.g. :
- External : Pets that are mentioned on external websites, facebook or twitter get 10 points per mention.
- RIP : All the pets are returned to the garden in the end, providing life for new growth and lending their name to a memorial feature. They also earn 50 MVP points to make sure they are not forgotten.