Hens in the Hen House

Hens and Rooster
Finally the finishing touches have been made to the Hen House Gardens. Some proper, well-behaved hens and a cute rooster are installed, and a chook run has been built. Long may the egg laying continue!
This area of the garden can be neglected - it is far from the house, and more often than not the Head Gardener will gaze from afar. The Hen House has sat in rustic solitude, unoccupied.
Welcome to the Chooks
No more! Now, twice a day, every day, I walk through the Hen House Gardens to visit my new chooks. I weed a little, I water a little, I pick up gum tree rubbish - these gardens have never had so much attention!
It's all thanks to my new birds who roost in the rustic hen house, and scratch and peck all day in the long chicken run attached. Fresh eggs every day, instant manure and old straw for my garden - and company, if birds can ever be considered as such.
Free Range?
I've tried one or two free range wanders, but the hebe leaves got a real pecking, and I panicked as the chooks gurgled their way into the rugosa roses. So the troupe was enticed back home with offers of stale bread. My plan was that they pecked and scratched in the orchard, their plan was rather more ornamental...

Eggs and Salad Green Seedlings
Lots of Salad Greens
The deal is simple - as well as layer pellets, grit, grain and water I give them greens twice a day. They give me eggs! This summer's vege garden will be crammed full of spinach, silver beet, and salad greens of every type. Family, keep out! Those gourmet lettuces are for the birds!