The Cricket Radio

 Silver sleek.
My Cricket Radio - 2004

Cricket is a ball game played by two teams - and it can go on for ages (five full days for a test match). So cricket commentaries obviously go on for ages too, and a gardener can get heaps of gardening done while listening - on a cricket radio!

Cheap and portable...

Strictly speaking, a cricket radio is cheap, small, crackly, and portable, and it should follow the gardener around. Versatile, too - it will also be used to listen to the rugby, possibly the news, or classical music.


It's like an old-school 'transistor', hee hee. Nothing wrong with being a bit old-school!

The cricket radio will often be left on and dumped with the garden tools, acting as a sound beacon later in the day, when the gardener has forgotten where she left the rake and the hand digger. Where on earth are my things? Listen...

This system doesn't always work, as a helpful Non-Gardening Partner will sometimes switch the radio off - to save the batteries. Aargh!

 My red cricket radio.
Cricket Radio Mark Four

The current Moosey cricket radio is the Mark Five version (see below). All the others have either been mulched, have broken down in the dirt, or been left outside once too often in the rain. One was even thrown onto the bonfire by mistake. Melted plastic - eek!

 Kitten listening to the cricket?
Tiddles and the Cricket Radio

All my cricket radios have been of dubious quality - a bit like the New Zealand cricket team...