Moosey News : August 2009

Dear Subscriber,

This newsletter is full of the joys of spring - such an amazing season, one which the gardener can get totally wrapped up in. Please be prepared for much spring gushing - which may seem odd if you're coming face to face with fall or autumn...

This month's features :

  1. Forsythia Shrub
  2. First Spring Camellias
  3. Hybrid Teas Please
  4. Online Plant Auctions
  5. The Good Spring Gardener

Regulars :

  1. Plant of the Month : Hot Pink Camellia
  2. Animal of the Month : Fluff-Fluff the Gardening Cat
  3. Garden Quote : Making Progress...
  4. Garden Gallery : Winter Crab Apples and Spring Daffodils
  5. Forum Focus : Garden Journals
  6. Gardening Advice : If you love triangles, then plant in triangles!
  7. Searching for Moosey : pretty blossom garden
  8. Coming up this month : Hee hee - my BIG Birthday...

This month's features

1. Forsythia Shrub

Enjoy this humble shrub which brightens up the garden.

2. First Spring Camellias

There's nothing like the very first splashes of Camellia colour to lift the gardener out of winter.

3. Hybrid Teas Please

Gradually my hybrid tea roses are getting the recognition they deserve.

4. Online Plant Auctions

Now this could become an obsession to rival gardening - bidding online for other gardeners' old, used, and unwanted plants. Hee hee...

5. The Good Spring Gardener

I've been trying really hard to be one of these - see what you think...


6. Plant of the Month : Hot Pink Camellia

This shrub rivals my favourite pink roses with the beauty of its blooms. Pretty petals!

7. Animal of the Month : Fluff-Fluff the Ginger Gardening Cat

I'm giving this month's award to big Fluff-Fluff who has been my most consistent gardening cat. He's always lolling under a tussock, squeaking like a girl (?) when he thinks he's been left behind. Check out the Moosey Journal, August Week 3, for his latest photograph.

8. Garden Quote : Making Progress..

Sometimes one just has to state the obvious!

9. Garden Gallery : Winter Crab Apples and Spring Daffodils

I've photographed yellow spring daffodils with winter red crab apples. It seemed a very bright way to symbolise the transition of the seasons.

10. Forum Focus : Garden Journals

In the Moosey Forums you'll meet some really interesting gardeners who write so eloquently about their garden lives. Check out their journals...

11. Gardening Advice : If you love triangles, then plant in triangles!

Who says it's a boring old idea? Go on - dare to be a boring old gardener...

12. Searching for Moosey : pretty blossom garden

pretty blossom garden
Every week a new tree somewhere bursts into blossom. Like the Moosey garden, the Moosey journal pages are blossoming with the joys of spring. And it's all pretty pretty...

13. Coming up this month : Hee hee. My BIG birthday.

It's a grand excuse to buy lots of new treasures for the garden (like plants, benches, and garden gnomes) and call them birthday presents. This will probably go on all month....
