Moosey News : March 2008

Dear Subscriber,

It's a remarkably rosy newsletter this month, considering that summer is almost at an end. But I'd rather show off my roses than talk about weeding, and burning the gum tree rubbish...

This month's features :

  1. Late Summer Roses
  2. A Positively Messy Garden
  3. Ghislaine de Feligonde
  4. Hiking in a Tussocklands Park
  5. Moosey's Journal Ramblings

Regulars :

  1. Plant of the Month : Pittosporums
  2. Animals of the Month : My Tree Frogs
  3. Garden Quote : From Ugly to Beautiful, according to the great Gertrude Jekyll
  4. Garden Gallery : Prosperity Rose
  5. Forum Focus : Macros and Flowery Photographs
  6. Gardening Advice : Cosmetic Gardening
  7. Searching for Moosey : homely glasshouse
  8. Coming up this month : The Easter Plant Sales.

This month's features

1. Late Summer Roses

Many of my roses are blooming again, and are even more beautiful the second time around...

2. A Positively Messy Garden

How would you react if you were told your garden was 'positively messy'?

3. Ghislaine de Feligonde

She's a climbing multiflora rose, named after a French heroine, and I'm starting to like her very much...

4. Hiking in a Tussocklands Park

A lovely, lazy hiking trip into a new tussockland park - check out my latest adventure in the foothills of Canterbury.

5. Moosey's Journal Rambling

Oh dear. The journal pages just seem to get longer, as the gardening days get shorter. And the page titles are getting a bit ridiculous - like 'Feb 2008 Week 3 - Yet More', for example.


6. Plant of the Month : Pittosporums

Whether trees or shrubs, self-sown or carefully purchased from a stylish nursery, my Pittosporums are wonderful foliage and screening plants. They are survivors.

7. Animals of the Month : My Tree Frogs

I thought I had one tree frog, who used to trill and whistle in the old bathtub. That same bathtub is now full of squirming tadpoles- so I was numerically wrong!

8. Garden Quote : From Ugly to Beautiful - the great Gertrude Jekyll

I've found lots of great quotes from this wise-woman of gardening.

9. Garden Gallery : Prosperity Rose

The riches that gardeners get from their efforts are beyond measure - especially if they know and grow this beautiful rose, aptly named Prosperity!

10. Forum Focus : Macros and Flowery Photographs

New digital cameras open up the world of close-up flower photography, as the forum friends have recently discovered.

11. Gardening Advice : Cosmetic Gardening

Getting a good look in the garden is easier than you think.

12. Searching for Moosey : homely glasshouse

Homely glasshouse at Kew Gardens
Homely glasshouse at Mooseys

I wonder - does this searcher actually want to make his or her home in a glasshouse? I do have several glasshouse pictures to suggest - from the mansion glasshouses of Kew Gardens to the simple shed, a la Moosey.

13. Coming up this month : The Easter Plant Sales.

Summer is almost over - that means the great autumn plant sales. Watch out, wallet!
