
Cornubia Rhododendron
There's a scary old saying which gives me the shivers - must be infused with some dodgy memories. Here it is : 'If at first you don't succeed, then try, try again.
The scary version...
Then there's the scarier version, which keeps on going. It continues thus : Then you try again, and again. You try harder. You keep on trying. Keep on and on...' Aargh!
Friday 23rd August
So I've been trying, again, to finish the Allotment Garden weeding, while thinking deep-thoughts about the garden and life. Sorry about this.
Thinking about how money, while it can fix things, is so over-rated (though it would pay for a professional weeder). Thinking about how money is much more fun to share than to hoard. And having the time to do groovy things and enough energy to be happy at the end of the day - these things are priceless. Who needs money?

The dogs
Dogs and their owners...
At the end of the day, Winnie the dog, like me, is often quite stiff. We are now both on meds for old-age arthritis. So Winnie is a ten year old Border Collie who loves to do slalom turns and silly running.
Just as silly...
Just as silly as her owner-gardener, equivalent in age, who tries to do an eight hours marathon gardening day and then wonders why things stop working properly. Hmm. We are our dogs?
Saturday 24th August
I did four hours solid work today, weeding and spreading mulch around. Decided to dig out all the creeping violets. It's been a very spring-like day - warm, nice light, lots of daffodils blooming here and there, the first rhododendrons and some of my new Camellias flowering. A time for optimism! Who cares if I haven't finished my weeding? Only me, I reckon.
And I did my Albeniz piano practice first thing, while the fingers were fresh. Honestly, I get more joy listening to me plodding carefully through it than some show-off virtuoso playing it at the speed of light. And joy is what life should be all about.

Cinnamon Cindy Camellia Flowers
Oops. I guess money pays for the vet bills for old arthritic dogs, right? And food for the table, and gardening boots, and coffee at cafes...