Lost for words...
Am tempted to just put up a page of photographs - no words, just pictures of all the beautiful things in my garden. Greenery as well as flowers - shrubs, trees, mowed lawns... Because everything is beautiful at the moment. Especially the rhododendrons.
No words needed. But I am allowed to boast and crow. Today I have been gardening for six hours, and it's only afternoon tea time. I've been soooooo busy - planting (e.g. the spare lupins by Duck Lawn), trimming, and weeding (aargh - found lots of sorrel, will have to resort to one of my puffy spray bottles).

Lupins with Gold Phormium
And I'm having my very last bonfire for the year. I have collected dead Cordyline leaves, sawn down Hypericum stems that have died, and barrowed loads of dry mess out from behind the cottage.
Aha! The bonfire huffed and puffed away, but then the wind came up, so I had to bucket water onto it. Wasn't at all unhappy - I dislike bonfires. Worked for another two hours in my glasshouse with the seedlings. The last Cosmos seedlings have been pricked out, and I've shifted other seedlings outside to harden off. Nice to be producing new plants for the garden.
Wow! So how about an eight hour gardening day? Rather physical, lots of plodding and lifting - what a legend I am. Just imagine if I did it every day. I'd be truly lost for words...