Senior Gardener!

Senior Gardener
A momentous day! I put on my old lady flower-blouse and pastel blue cardie and trotted off to register for the old-person's pension. I am now in the system, and my birthday (AKA pensioner payday) is now only two weeks away. I ignored the cheery pamphlets on the waiting table - senior chef, senior walking, senior day club.
A Greater Agenda
Aha! I have a greater agenda - keeping up with my ever-burgeoning spring garden, and not panicking. I can now rightly call myself Senior Gardener at Mooseys Country Garden, hee hee.
Wednesday 27th August
After spending the whole of yesterday gardening at a friend's new country property, today has been a very low impact gardening day. I potted up some variegated Honesty which my friend gave me - I'm hoping it's purple flowering. I also brought home a rather virile perennial with thick matted roots, old stalks, and tough red new growing shoots. It's in a pot - but is it some ghastly type of country weed, hee hee? I've not met it before. In my softest mood I'm imagining some beautifully large Astilbe...

Pond Cottage in Spring
I've cleared the paths by the cottage, weeded my vegetable garden and the herb spiral, and barrowed in some compost and topsoil. I've reorganised my own compost heap with wire netting so my dog cannot raid it and carry off the remains of avocados and boiled eggs (yum). Then I planted some garlic cloves. Percy the ginger cat chose today to keep me company. He's a very chatty cat, beautifully ornamental in the greening garden.

Cat de Jour - Ginger Percy
OK, Senior Gardener, do not panic. Spring has its own natural tempo. You are soon to experience the golden years, where the pace of living is more sedate. Just do your very best.

Early Spring!
Thursday 28th August
I've been busy weeding, and big Fluff-Fluff has been a positive nuisance. First he is underneath my hands, lying on my hand digger. Then when I get up - I am in the middle of the spring-sprouting perennials garden, trying not to tread on anything - he is underneath my feet. I wobble and leap out towards the path, hopefully missing the Alliums - and him.
In the glass-house I've potted up the remaining garlic cloves, and some sturdy seedlings of Bowles Golden Grass collected from within the compartments of the Herb Spiral. I've had a wonderful day. I've been wearing another of my old lady flower-blouses. My dog has been my constant companion, and I have been thinking about the new puppy. Oops.
The Company of Dogs
Sometimes I prefer the company of dogs to that of people. I don't think this is because I'm unfriendly or shy. And it's not that I'm unhappy with people, either. I just feel at peace pottering around with my dog Rusty. If he's annoying I can command him to 'buzz off'. He listens when I chatter on. He helps me shine in the garden.

Rusty the Dog
Oops. This is all rather sentimental. He also finds dark green duck-poos to roll in, and he gets really bored with gardening. I hope he gets on with his new sister-puppy. Her name is Winnie.
Friday 29th August
Today I have been country-gardening again at my friend's property again, while the tree-men have been in my garden cleaning up three of the Wattle trees. All done - and such a lovely day for us all. I had time to do about an hour's bonfiring, having inspected the damage (or lack of damage) underneath the Wattles. There is superficial squashing, and a few Hebes will need to be pruned. This will be so easy to clear up - child's play for a Senior Gardener...