My July is already full of contrasts. A hike in the frosty, wintry, snowy Canterbury foothills one day, then zoom! Off on a short plane ride to Rarotonga in the tropical Cook Islands for a short summer holiday.
Saturday 2nd July
One morning swimming in a local outdoor pool, heated but in a desperate battle with winter and overnight frosts - brr! The next - swimming in toasty warm tropical seas. What a funny weekend! From merino thermals to cotton shirts in a matter of hours.

Winter Walking
Yesterday's hike was great - my friend and I took two other intrepids back to Washpen Falls. Before braving the mental terror of the 'scariest wooden staircase down a cliff in the world' we scrambled and explored a bit on the tussock tops. They were lightly dusted with snow, and the air was fresh. Mist was rolling in, so we couldn't go too far from the fence-line.
See You Soon! :
- I'll write the journal up as soon as I can.
Today I say goodbye to my garden and cats for a week. Young Minimus is off to the local cattery and Rusty the dog to his favourite kennels (where he is guaranteed to put on weight). I am taking reading books, materials for my woolly crochet afghan project, my laptop, my paper journal (so I can write squillions of lists), and my walking boots.