Hmm... I've done some great gardening this Easter. For the first time in ages I've put new plants immediately in the garden, having planned beforehand where they're going. Ha! This could be the start of a new, sensible trend...

Dahlia Days
Monday 24th March
Good morning to Percy the ginger cat who is warming my legs as I write. Percy - you light up my life with your purry, friendly personality - and your elegant, slow-motion wheel-stands (cat owners should understand this odd looking phrase). My legs need a bit of warming up, as these March mornings are quite cold.

Blushing Pink Iceberg
Autumn Icebergs
There's a definite feeling of seasonal change. One of my oak trees has a splattering of red leaves, the Autumn Joy sedums are almost in flower, and all my Iceberg roses are blooming beautifully again.
The first rustic garden bench went into place late yesterday, and really dominates my new shrubbery garden. Two reasons - the shrubs are just planted, and therefore down in scale. And the small courtyard in the middle of the shrubbery needs to be lowered - just by a spade's depth. It won't affect the Rosemary plantings, but I'll definitely need more stones - the Rosemaries will enjoy having more trailing room. The soil I dig up will be gratefully received by the new garden. Wandering Moosey relatives will be spared the sight of uncovered horse manure with attendant frenzied flies.
Today I have to properly collect some seeds for friends. I am so good at offering - magenta Lychnis, purple-flowering variegated Honesty, variegated Mallow, and now Nicotiana Sylvestris and Korean Angelica. And I am good at leaving the plants in place to set their beautiful seeds. Hmm... What I'm also good at is collecting the seeds in the pocket of whatever gardening shirt I'm wearing, then throwing it carelessly into the wash. Oops.
I was so cross with the cricket late yesterday that I made myself rake up a wheelbarrowful of burning rubbish for every hour I'd 'wasted' listening to all the New Zealand batsman going ignominiously 'out'. Today I have a similar plan - in fact I wonder if I could finish clearing the driveway fence-line rubbish? Hmm...
Right. That's my day. Seeds. Burning. Digging out the shrubbery courtyard. River stones. Nine words. Ten, if you count the cricket.
Phew! I've lowered the courtyard, and the wee stone wall around it is now four stones high. But I am so tired! I've been lolling, all clean and sweet smelling, on the bed with young cats Percy and Histeria, explaining to them why I love them so much. They seem to understand.

Hmm... Something Smells Good...
Today I made the quickest trip to another nursery with an Easter sale on. Oh dear. Most New Zealand natives here were five dollars each, and the Hebes were very healthy looking. I wonder - have I possibly spent too much on plants this week?
Tuesday 25th March
I've just been into my ex-work, briefly. Now what will I do today in the garden? First, a cup of tea, some early lunch, and perhaps a wee peep at the (aargh!) cricket on TV. I need to take some photographs of the new courtyard and rustic seat. I must remember - three bags of horse manure are lurking in the boot of my car.

Autumn Daylily Flower
That nursery sale - I could make a quick list. This might be a good time to remodel the Driveway Border, with which I am not pleased. The daylilies need dividing and shifting (not enough summer sun) and the roses in here (flower carpets) are pretty hopeless.
A Shrubby Mood...
I'm in a rather shrubby mood - the Driveway Border would look tidier if I remove all silly self-seeded perennials (like aquilegias) and do some mass planting of Hebes. Hmm...
- 'Collect seeds when you're properly organised.'
- -Moosey Words of Wisdom.
Oops - it's later, and I decided to take the day off. But I've collected all the seeds promised to my friends, and put them all in labelled envelopes. I am so organised! I'm going to sow some of the variegated Honesty myself - hopefully the bees won't have got the white and purple flowering mixed up.
And I stared and squinted and bicycled up and down the driveway (Rusty the dog got quite puzzled), trying to 'solve' the problem of the uninspiring, messy Driveway Border.
Some Comments/Ideas:
- The spring-flowering bulbs and blossom trees are both very nice. Don't dig up the daffodils!
- The stone edge could be two stones high.
- Shrubs need to be clean and green.
- A couple of upright flaxes would be nice.
- Tawny tussocks and Bergenias to be repeated along the stone edge, for unity and beautiful autumn colour.
The daylilies can stay, but will be divided up and repositioned for the sun. Older roses growing near the house can stay. All others - out! Sounds like tomorrow's garden work is already planned!