Digging in the frost...
We've had the first of the proper frosts - it's a bit cold for early morning gardening. Digging, for example, is difficult before 11 a.m., and it's better not to walk all over the frosty white lawns.
Tuesday 13th May
Yeay! My adventure consultant (aka Daughter of Moosey) has bought me a Mothers Day present - a beautiful 'Glowing Sky' merino thermal fitted long sleeve base layer. It is a delightful shade of old-English-rose pink (how appropriate), and I can wear it for winter adventures or winter gardening.

Sweet Alice
We may have morning frosts, but the sun is clear, the sky promises to be blue all day, and there's no wind. What a wonderful near-winter climate! Partner of my adventure consultant, AKA son-in-law, is in the house wearing his puffy down jacket, insulating over-trou and a woolly hat. Hmm... The word 'sissy' comes to mind. Or 'girl's blouse'? Oops - not very PC...
Path Problems
Today I'm going swimming, and then I'll finish off the path network in the Willow Tree Garden. I struck a slight snag yesterday - the route ran over one of the fat black irrigation pipes. This is not sensible - dreamy, wobbly wanderers will be tripped up and tipped down into the water race. Garden safety must come first.

Garden Foliage
I solved the path problem while swimming. Now for the implementation. After a quick dog-trip to the river to get more stones, one rhododendron will need to be shifted. Then the end of the path gets re-routed, clear of the scary sloping land and the irrigation pipe, through the garden where the rhododendron was. This path's purpose is to direct garden moochers (including myself) to the small lawn and my blue garden chairs. Successful paths know their place and purpose, and don't deviate too much from either. Simple!

Autumn Garden Seats
Much Later...
I am a legend! Sometimes gardening legends are quiet souls who do little things extremely well. They might be alone in seeing the improvement, or indeed what's changed. They are allowed to celebrate small successes.

Marmalade Rose
They are happy pottering until it gets too dark, or cold, and they don't mind shifting plants around, in or out of the sensible shifting season. They usually love roses. And they just know when they've got a new path in the perfect position. It's all about garden flow. And seeing their animal gardening company, Fluff-Fluff the cat and Rusty the dog, using the path properly, without any cut corners or shortcuts.
As may be obvious from the above burble, my network of Willow Tree Garden paths is ready, awaiting the new bridge. How exciting!