Spiky Pink Dahlias

 So pretty.
Pink Dahlia

Clumps of dahlias were dug out of a friend's father's garden. He was always so proud of his dahlias. Would I like them? Yes please. Would I look after them properly? Hmm...

With no idea of their colours, I planted four of the biggest clumps next to each other near Willow Bridge. I even enlarged the border so that the existing Phormium and Hebes wouldn't overcrowd them.

To be honest, dahlias in my garden don't get much care and attention. Alas, if it's too windy and they flop, well that's that. They flop! And sometimes by late summer I get a bit picky about colour schemes - or the lack thereof. And I can get really bored with common red dahlias - there are so many of these in my garden, all of which have self-seeded.

But the new dahlias grew strong and sturdy. And then they flowered - they were all the same, a spiky pink. They could well be the variety 'Pink Princess'. Against the background of green swirling Gunnera leaves the colour is so pretty. It's truly a 'beauty and the beast' pairing!

 I love it!
New Pink Spiky Dahila

My pink spiky dahlias kept on flowering, I kept on dead-heading them, and the display was absolutely gorgeous for weeks and weeks. They weren't trimmed until late in autumn, at the same time as the Gunnera. And I've decided to lift them for winter - their position is a bit exposed, and ground frosts could do some damage.

 In front of the Gunnera.
Pink Dahlias

I adore buying plants from Church Fairs with just the word 'dahlia' scribbled on the plastic bag. What to expect? What colour will they be? That's how two more spiky dahlias in the Frisbee Garden arrived.

More Decorative...

In theory, garden areas originally robustly planted for dry conditions could now become more decorative. With the addition of organic matter and compost, plus responsible summer watering, I decided to try out some roses and dahlias underneath the big gum tree.

 Just gorgeous!
Dahlias from the Church Fair

My new dahlias fitted in happily amongst recycled white Iceberg roses, green Cordylines, and green miniature Agapanthus. Everything seems quite well colour co-ordinated - even if by accident! And there does seem to be a recurring theme of spikes.

White Dahlias

Further down the garden a clump of single white dahlias is growing, not so well. This was shifted out of the Stables Garden, just across the lawn, but there's never been enough water (or watering) in the new spot. I also wonder if the tubers have been frost damaged. Some years I just don't look after my dahlias well enough.

 large single flowers
white dahlias - from the archives

In the early garden days these single white dahlias were a beautiful autumn feature by the Frisbee Lawn. They flowered late, with the short-lived Penstemon 'Purple Passion' for company.