Pink Tulips
Did I ever claim that I don't bother much with tulips in the Moosey Garden? Foolish gardener! These soft pink and white tulips are absolutely beautiful.

PInk Tulips in the Driveway Garden
They are planted on the edge of the Driveway Garden and don't flower for me until late spring. By a happy accident they then have the perfect next-door colour company - the deep pink flowers of a Bergenia. And this part of the garden is sheltered from the wind, so I have more chance to enjoy these spring bulbs flowering.

Favourite Pink Tulips
These favourite pink tulips flower in the first real pink phase of the Moosey spring garden. Just along the driveway the pink cherry blossom trees are showing off, and two pink rhododendrons are starting to bloom. For once I can claim successful colour co-ordination!