
In my early gardening days I bought in lots of big bags of mixed daffodils. Many were planted alongside the driveway. I loved coming home and driving past them in spring. The flowers were such a cheerful welcome home.

 Taj-dog used to go cruising down the road when he thought nobody was checking on him.
dog on a mission

This is an archive photograph of the very first Moosey dog, Taj-dog. He was on a very serious rabbit-finding mission, following his nose down the driveway, past the daffodils, to the road.

Daffodils by the Roadside

I also planted a host of golden, white, lemon, and assorted other colours of daffodils along the front fence-line. These beauties nestled in the grass by the farm gates, brightening up the entrance to the property.

 Very beautiful in spring.
Roadside Daffodils

What's that saying - 'That was then, but this is now'? I forgot that the Leyland hedge on the other side of the fence was not only a gross feeder, but a fat and wide grower. So over the years my roadside daffodil production decreased, and eventually there were hardly any flowers.

 A beautiful pair.
Daffodils by the Road

In the autumn of 2013 I dug most of them out and replanted them in the garden proper. Sadly, not so many recovered as I'd hoped.

Oh Dear...

Oh dear. The daffodil patches by the driveway are not so memorable in spring these days. I don't feed them or look after them well enough. Sorry about that! I reckon I need to buy in some new bulbs...

 I love their simple colours.
More Daffodils