Raspberry Ice Rose

Raspberry Ice is a floriferous shrub rose, which puts on a great show in my garden in early summer. I have two Raspberry Ices growing by the back lawn - they arrived here as unwanted roses, dug out of a suburban garden.

I also grow a Strawberry Ice rose, but this is a shorter shrub. For quite a few years I got these roses hopelessly mixed up. I can't always separate them purely on colour, because my autumn rose pictures are deeply saturated, when the natural light is extraordinarily better for photographs. But even in the harsh light of summer the blooms of Raspberry Ice are richer in colour than the Strawberry Ice - they're deep crimson-raspberry red, flushed with white. The flowers are beautiful, and I should say that they last much longer that the fruit in the raspberry patch...

 With a tiny fly on one of the petals.
Raspberry Ice Rose