Shrubs and Spikes
Spikes of Cordylines and New Zealand Phormiums combine with rhododendrons to give Middle Garden its essential look. It's a classic mixture for a New Zealand country garden. These photographs track the growth of its shrubs from the year 2002 to 2012.
Middle Garden 2012
Self-sown Pittosporums need constant trimming. And just occasionally a winter snow storm will break some of their bendy branches.
Middle Garden from Duck Lawn - 2008
These views of the side of Middle Garden are all taken from Duck Lawn.
Middle Garden from Duck Lawn - 2006
Check out the growth of the green Cordyline! It starts off with one trunk, chest high. Ove the years it becomes multi-trunked - such a dramatic shape. Well worth all the cleaning up of dropped dead leaves I have to do. I love it.
Middle Garden from Duck Lawn - 2002