Early Plantings
The early plantings in the Hen House border were mainly perennials, planted in between the Rugosa roses : Lavender, Iris confusa, Canna lilies, Daisies, and Pulmonarias. The Cannas were the variety Tropicanna. Of course, sun was required for good growth.

Early Perennials in the Hen House Garden
In its early days the Hen House Gardens had a large Iris confusa patch. Nearby I planted some Pulmonarias, which grew well in the partial shade offered by their strappy neighbour.

Japanese Iris and Pulmonaria
The perennials were fun at first, and very useful to help fill up a new garden. But pretty soon, as the overhead trees grew bigger, the garden changed from sunny to shady. Even the rugosa roses eventually had to move out.

Yellow Daisy
This yellow perennial daisy used to flower in late summer, and was quite short and bushy - just less than knee-high. I'm starting to guess - this might be a dwarf type of perennial Helianthus. Hmm... I am definitely on shaky daisy ground here!

brown daisy
I bought this daisy, with the interesting label 'Brown Daisy', at the local golf club plant sale one spring. But I never quite got organised into shifting it out of the Hen House Gardens when the shade came. Another one bites the gardening dust, so to speak!
Few perennials now...
There are few perennials surviving in here now. I've tried daylilies out on the very edge (hopeless) and even bearded irises, thinking that the trees would be less leafy when they bloom. Sedums do their best in autumn, but tend to sulk without the sun.