
Cerinthe are absolutely beautiful free seeding annuals with blue-green foliage and small purple flowers which hang down. They are happiest in semi-shaded woodland areas in the Moosey garden, although a small patch insists on recreating itself every year in the hottest driest sun-baked border in the whole garden.

 My latest seedlings have reddish-purple flowers.
Cerinthe Close-Up

I collect the seeds, but also buy packets in - there's a type called 'Kiwi Blue' which is supposed to be bigger and better. We'll see next spring, as I intend to have many pottles of this variety to mass plant in Middle border under the red Maple tree.

 This photograph was taken mid-spring.

The colour combination of foliage and flower in Cerinthe is really inspired - this is a cheap and stylish plant to grow.