Introducing the Driveway Garden
The Driveway Garden was my first great digging effort, as I slowly transformed the strip of rough patchy grass between the flowering cherry trees along the driveway. I remember it taking many weekends, and I wondered what I'd started!
Escher in the Driveway
After a few years I added a balancing second border along the left hand side of the drive. Even later the removal of overgrown Cotoneaster shrubs made space for a circular spring garden. Here I've planted rhododendrons, maples, and other choice shrubs. Of course there are also a few coloured Phormium hybrids for all-year foliage. A robust rose, Kiftsgate, climbs up the huge Gleditsia tree.
Driveway Rhododendrons
A sheep fence separating the driveway from the Frisbee Lawn still supports my first climbing roses (Cecile Brunner and Alberic Barbier) and my first proudly cutting-grown Clematis Montana. The further you go away from the house, the messier the gardens get. Some years I weed madly, but the grasses always grow back. Agapanthus and Pittosporums are my main go-to plants in these areas. Not so many photographs get taken here!
The Driveway Lawn
The Driveway Lawn is a rather nice shape, with a few original ornamental trees growing in it. On its far side is The Hump, an old sandhill on which the original shelter belt (pine and gum) was planted.
The Driveway Lawn
In my early gardening days I could visualise deciduous trees and cute little paths edged with bluebells. But (naturally) nothing wanted to grow underneath the nutrient-robbing pines and gums. I made a lot of mistakes (e.g. planting rhododendrons). Eventually I settled for Pittosporums and Agapanthus. Then one magical winter (2018) the towering shelter trees were felled and converted into firewood. Suddenly I had a new, spacious, sunny garden area! I brought in loads of compost, manure, and other organic matter, and started planting.
Roses, dahlias, new trees...
The Hump Garden is now a riot of flower colour (with lots of recycled roses and dahlias) in summer. I've also planted some beautiful ornamental trees (Maple, Sycamore, Prunus, and a Cercis). Those gloomy days of pine forest are long gone.
The Driveway Gardens are wonderful in all seasons. Spring brings blossom, daffodils, and beautiful spring flowering shrubs. Summer is so colourful, with the restful shady lawn and the new Hump Garden full of flowers. Then autumn lights up with gold and flame colours as the leaves change. In winter the Phormiums and native evergreens shine.
I hope you enjoy your visit. Make sure you wander over the lawn, and have fun wandering through the network of paths in the Hump Garden. You'll likely meet one of the house cats or a dog on the driveway, waiting patiently to go for a walk.
Cat and Dog in the Driveway