Tea-Pots in the Garden
On a recent wild and unrestrained garden pot spending spree I found a couple of big brown pots with handles and spouts. They were tea-pots, and fifty percent off the marked price. Of course as a tea-drinker I had to grab them both!

Tea-Pot in the Wattle Woods
They came home strapped safely into my little car, seat belts firmly in place. Then the big question - what exactly to do with them? And I needed to find the perfect display spots, so they'd look quirky but not silly.
To Plant or Not to Plant?
To plant or not to plant? I decided not to fill them with anything. I've always been impressed with huge empty pots sitting in the middle of a garden, looking wonderfully ornamental, having every right to be there. So could I manage to do this? Or would my chosen spot just look like the place where the pot fell out of my wobbly wheelbarrow? The brown colour was terribly subtle, too, and I thought it looked great with the garden greenery.

Tea-Pot in the Periwinkle
So I've placed one in the middle of a thick patch of green foliage plants (Rock Lilies and Alkanet). So far, so good. I like this look! The second one is floating in a sea of Periwinkle in the Shrubbery. I'd love this semi-nuisance trailing plant to climb up and over the pot. That would be so nice.
New Garden Surprises...
Both tea-pots are set back from their respective paths, and you'd be forgiven for missing them completely. So I have two new garden surprises just waiting for an alert visitor to look up and over. Oh my goodness! A big brown tea-pot!