Pink Camellia with Yellow Stamens
Five years ago I offered garden shelter to some seriously distressed Camellias from a neighbouring farm garden. Finally in the spring of 2004 the shrubs felt confident enough to flower. One has beautiful rose pink flowers - I'm sorry I don't know its name.

Alive and Well - Rose Pink Camellia
The flowers have a silky sheen, and the long yellow stamens are a perfect colour contrast to the rich mid-pink of the petals. These blooms don't fully open, retaining their slightly cupped shape.

Hot Pink Camellia
This Camellia has come a long way from its early garden days, sad and starving under a giant Macrocarpa hedge. It's yet another resounding success for Moosey the Compulsive Plant Rescuer.

PInk Camellia Shrub
I did have to be patient, but it was well worth waiting for - I adore pink.