Burnaby Centennial Rhododendron

 A subtle red, late flowering.
Rhododendron Burnaby Centennial

I love a good British TV detective - Jack Frost, Wycliff, Morse... So when I saw the rhododendron 'Barnaby Centennial' I pounced and purchased one. Oops. I read the label wrong. It's 'Burnaby Centennial'. Never mind.

Not From Midsomer Murders!

'Barnaby' is the detective in the that slightly melodramatic (and very formulaic) TV series 'Midsomer Murders' - the perfect mental refreshment for a mid-winter gardener whose getting too cold, or too wet, and deserves a break.

Burnaby Centennial (no relation, hee hee) is a reddish rhododendron which flowers quite late in my season. Mine is planted in the middle of the Apple Tree Border, and I can see the flowers from Pond Cottage.

It's a cheerful shrub, compact in growth (so far). And the colour? Well, depending on the mood of the viewer (me), and the light conditions, Burnaby Centennial is 'dullish' or 'subtle' red. Some catalogues call this 'raspberry pink' - not to my oldish eyes. But in amongst the late spring show-offs there's always room for a little modesty. And just a dash of pink...

 Late flowering.
Burbaby Centennial Rhododendron